We think your pet needs MicroMed if :

Your pet has undergone antibiotics in the last three years and not been given any probiotics. Probiotics can be used to maintain a favourable microflora

There are many benefits to administering MicroMed and there are more studies on probiotics being published each day in this rapidly expanding field of research. Studies show the greater the diversity of microbial species the better the health of the animal.  MicroMed’s formulations are commensal blends, meaning the beneficial fungi, bacteria and protozoa are gathered as a complete unit, or meta-organisms, as they exist in Nature. The benefits of them all working, and eating together so to speak, and processing a multitude of tasks in combination with each other as a symbiotic blend, means the overall ability to accomplish regenerative and replenishing activities throughout the whole body is accelerated.

Yes, studies show that many factors disrupt or kill certain microbes within the body. A very common culprit, unless your pet is eating an organic diet, is glyphosate, the weedkiller in Roundup. This is widely sprayed on crops that end up in the food chain of pets (and humans), particularly animals fed a processed diet of kibble or tinned food that contains grains or other carbohydrates. Glyphosate is also sprayed in the environment through the application of Round-Up. Glyphosate wipes out the microbial community within the body, and disrupts the ‘tight junctions’ that operate in the gut, to allow food components and other substances access to the bloodstream. Once the tight junctions are affected, detrimental microbes, viruses, undigested food particles and toxins ‘leak’ into the bloodstream, because the tight junctions are malfunctioning.

The result of this is that approximately 70% of the immune system that is found in the gut, becomes severely affected, and causes immune system 'reactions'. To add insult to injury, the microbial community or micro-biome of the gut, also severely affected by the glyphosate residues on food and from the environment as it passes through the gut, is severely reduced in numbers and therefore function. The communication network, termed 'cross-talk', between the life-giving microbes and the immune cells in turn becomes severely affected, the pathogens in this environment (and superbugs that should be suppressed by the immune system) are then able flourish.  MicroMed can assist to re-establish the microbes on a daily basis through the use of Everyday Care probiotics. Once normal microbial balance is restored the ‘cross-talk’ or communication, between immune cells and probiotics, is restored to normal, which then has knock-on effects on immunity, inflammation, and subsequently, whole body health.

It is always good to check with your vet to make sure there is no reason why not and in fact many integrative vets now use probiotics as a great way to practice preventative healthcare for your pet.

In October of 2020 The World Health Organisation declared that Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.  Misuse and over-use of anti-microbial and particularly antibiotics, are the main drivers in the development of drug-resistant pathogens. The clinical pipeline of new antimicrobial drugs is currently ‘dry’ - meaning there are only six that currently exist, in 2020, being tested for use with ‘superbugs’. The well is drying up. Medical procedures such as surgery, cancer, chemotherapy and transplant will become more risky. With this situation becoming a world-wide concern and increasing in severity each passing year, alternatives are being sought, and the spotlight is on the use of probiotics. This is a major reason why, here at MicroMed, we urge everyone to practice preventative healthcare and ensure this most basic of foundational health practices is in place - that of protecting the microbiome.

MicroMed is proudly developed and manufactured here in New Zealand, within our family-run business, where the brewing is completed every few weeks, to ensure the product is as fresh as it can possibly be, to arrive by courier, being that it is a live formulation of powerful microbes.

MicroMed formulations are a powerful blend of organically-based, non-toxic, all natural, live, commensal probiotic sprays for either minor acute, minor fungal or minor bacterial issues in dogs, cats, horses and livestock, or, they can be used preventatively to help protect long-term health. A commensal mix is derived from Nature's soil and water microbes, and operates as a powerful meta-organism, or complete eco-system in and of itself, as opposed to separate strains known for their beneficial qualities put together together in a bottle or tub.

This is case specific, and depending on the animal, dosage and stage of progression of the minor condition you are treating and how long it has been present. It can take anywhere from overnight for a mild pruritus or itch, to three weeks for say, minor rain scald. Generally, we find most minor cases improve, if not resolve within 7 to 10 days, with twice daily application. Once the minor condition has resolved, we recommend spraying once a week as a preventative.  IF after this time the minor issue has not resolved it is recommended you seek a diagnosis from your vet if you have not sought this already.  It may be that there are deeper, underlying issues that need addressing, and your vet has a wealth of tests they are able to undertake, at their disposal.

Unfortunately, as antibiotics kill both the beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, the antibiotic would also kill the beneficial microbes within MicroMed's formulation. However if your pet is on antibiotics you can use MicroMed as far apart from the antibiotic as possible and then at least there is a period of time where MicroMed is able to give benefit.  We do also recommend always finishing the course of antibiotics, otherwise there are implications for your pet regarding antibiotic resistance. 

Yes, you can use MicroMed alongside Apoquel.

We do not recommend using any shampoo or products that may contain essential oils, as most have anti-bacterial or anti-fungal properties - although lavender has been proven in research trials not to affect microbial balance so this is fine as an ingredient. We do also advocate the use of chemical-free and non-toxic products whilst using MicroMed, particularly when there are natural alternatives, even more important in the presence of skin issues.  Personally we use Earthwise Nourish Baby Shampoo with Goats Milk with our dog, which seems to have the least amount of chemicals and anti-microbial contained in it, that we have found.

No, although the formulation is a probiotic, it does not need to be refrigerated. The live formulation thrives best in a cool, dark environment with a temperature range of between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius.

There are certain conditions where isolation from other pets are recommended, such as ringworm and mange, and therefore all bedding should be sterilised and any environments the animal has been in, such as the car or the bedroom, sprayed with MicroMed too, if possible.

If your dog is suffering a condition where he/she is incessantly licking or biting an area then we do recommend using a deterrent such as a cone, and we particularly like the ‘pool noodle’ cut into chunks and threaded onto your dogs collar as a deterrent, allowing enough time for the wound to heal, before removing. You can also place a t-shirt or sock over the area after spraying if possible. Usually it is not necessary to resort to bandaging and to allow air circulation of a wound is generally recommended but if in doubt please do contact Maria, or your veterinarian. Studies did report there was slower healing using bandages on a horse, than allowing fresh air to circulate around the wound.

Yes it is, in fact, as MicroMed's Acute Care external spray formulation is a completely natural, non-toxic, live pro-biotic. We have found that many animals really like the taste (it has a sweet, vinegary taste). If you are wanting to use MicroMed internally, we have specifically formulated a more concentrated spray than our external range, and this can be found in the Ongoing Care range in our shop. If your animal or pet has an acute, minor skin abnormality you may like to purchase from our Acute Care range to use externally.

We recommend spraying twice a day onto the affected area and continuing until the condition is resolved however if the condition is still present three weeks later, or if it at any time worsens, please do contact your vet and send us a quick email too if you are able.  As the formulation is slightly acidic we do not recommend spraying an effected area more than three times a day, although there may be instances where it is recommended such as if your pet licks it off every time you spray it on. Please do feel free to contact us to check on this.

If you miss a day it is not the end of the world but we do recommend trying to be as consistent as possible, spraying twice a day. If you do miss a day, the healing process can be delayed. Depending on the situation, it may give the pathogenic bacteria or fungi the opportunity to take hold again so we do recommend being as vigilant as possible, especially in the first week or two.

If possible, removing the worst of the mud before application, does help. MicroMed will still work if you need to apply it in the paddock. You need to ensure the affected areas are damp with the product, each time you apply.

No, not only is this a horrible experience for your horse, or livestock animal, it is also counter-productive. The scabs are a natural part of the healing process. Their purpose is to protect the fragile, tender, flesh until it has begun to form a new epidermal layer. The problem horse and livestock owners have had in the past is that the warm, moist conditions underneath a scab are also perfect breeding conditions for the pathogenic bacteria which cause bacterial and fungal infections. The removal of scabs was an important part of the treatment due to the fact that biocides have to come in direct contact with these pathogens to be effective. In preference, the microbes in our product will naturally find their way under the scabs and into the areas where the pathogenic bacteria or fungi are living, negating the need to remove scabs. Once there, the microbes create an environment which is hostile to pathogens and the condition soon resolves. During the healing process the scabs will come away naturally.

We recommend diluting the Acute Care by 50% with bottled water in the case of minor skin abnormalities where there is broken or sensitive skin