Superfoods and your Dog
Posted on August 09 2024

Have you ever wondered what superfoods your dog can eat? Besides nourishment, what are the benefits of feeding our dogs superfoods? Why would we even think to add things like spirulina or fermented veggies into their meals? Well, these superfoods are actually providing incredible health benefits, so let’s take a look at what these foods are actually doing for our dogs.
Pro’s and Con’s of Fermented Veggies
As superfoods, fermented veggies are a great way to supplement your dogs diet, as they offer a variety of nutrients. In the fermentation process the naturally occurring bacteria and yeast on the vegetables feed on the carbohydrates or sugars in the food, over time producing the lactic acid which gives rise to more lactobacillus bacteria, the main probiotic in lacto-fermented foods. Essentially, the bacteria and yeast pre-digest the plants sugars, which is a major pro of using fermented vegetables because this process removes the carbohydrates in the vegetables that make them harder for our dogs to digest. Add to that the bacteria becoming a food-sourced probiotic and you see why we call it a superfood. Another plus is how long they keep (up to 18mnths in the fridge), and how little you need to use to be effective (1/2 to 1tsp depending on weight). So yes, we want to feed our dogs fermented veggies. But, there are also some con’s we need to be aware of first.
It's important to be aware that fermented veggies are only advised for feeding an already healthy dog. Any dog with gut problems or a yeast infection can have trouble with fermented products. The reason being, the bacteria will not only feed on the carbohydrates in the vegetables, they will also feed on the carbohydrates in your dogs intestines if they’ve eaten the fermented veggies. So, the first step would be to starve the yeast in your dogs gut before beginning any meal plans that include fermented veggies. Another factor to be aware of is any dog that suffers from allergies should not be fed fermented veggies as they release histamines which the body then reacts to by releasing more histamines. This will only make matters worse for your dog, so best to stay away from fermented veggies in this case.
Why Spirulina?
Spirulina has so many health benefits and we can understand why it is labelled a superfood. Spirulina contains unique phytonutrients that give the immune system a boost and helps reduce the risk of cancer. Medical scientists have also discovered that spirulina can enhance the body’s ability to produce new blood cells.
Another benefit of spirulina is that it suppresses the bad bacteria in the gut and stimulates the beneficial bacteria. On top of this, spirulina has been shown to reduce the effects of allergies. This easy-to-use supplement is a no-brainer as an addition to your meal plan as our dogs love it and it’s as easy as adding a sprinkling (about 1/4tsp) onto their food!
More to Try
These two aren’t the only superfoods either! Other foods that fall under the umbrella of superfood include:
- Wheatgrass is loaded with vitamins, minerals and enzymes and provides a great nutrient boost
- Turmeric boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation and aids in digestion
- Broccoli sprouts can help to treat pain, improve heart health and protect against cancer
- Kelp is the most nutritious of edible sea vegetables and helps support metabolism and glandular system (be careful not to use excessive amounts which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss)
- Medicinal mushrooms help support the immune system
- NZ green lipped mussels are a great anti-inflammatory and they also help rebuild and strengthen cartilage, ligaments and tendons
- Turmeric paste offers relief from joint pain and is an excellent immune booster and anti-oxidant
Any one of these is a great addition to your dogs meal plan.
Turmeric Paste Recipe
½ Cup Turmeric Powder
1 Cup Water
⅓ Cup Coconut Oil (or Flaxseed or Olive Oil)
2-3 tsp Freshly Cracked Black Pepper
- Bring the turmeric and water to a boil in a saucepan
- Lower the heat and simmer until paste thickens (about 7-10min)
- Allow to cool before adding the pepper and the oil
- Mix to combine and allow to cool
¼ Tsp twice a day with food
An Easy Option
With superfoods available as an easy option, what’s stopping you?! Add these to your pantry or fridge and make them part of your daily routine when getting dinner ready. There’s no prep involved, and they are a cost-effective boost for your dogs wellbeing with the tiny amounts needed per meal. So, decide on your superfood of choice and start your pooch on it today!
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