MicroMed for Dogs Everyday Care

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Size: 500ml
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Our Everyday Care spray is applied to your dog’s food and is designed for the ongoing care of your pet to help with:

✔ Skin Health
✔ Digestive and gut health
✔ Immunity
✔ Overall Wellbeing

This powerful blend of organically-based, non-toxic, all natural probiotic re-establishes healthy microbes in your pet’s body which help prevent recurring minor fungal and bacterial issues.

How to use Everyday Care probiotic for Dogs?

Apply the daily dosage, as per the label, onto your pet's food, using the trigger/pump spray (1 spray = 1 ml) or decant the dosage into a measuring cup and mix into the food.

What is the dosage for MicroMed for Dogs Everyday Care?

4 ml per day for dogs under 10kg

8ml per day for dogs over 10kg

Note: Do not use in conjunction with antibiotic,  anti-fungal or anti-bacterial medications, creams or washes or products with ingredients such a zinc, tea-tree, neem or essential oils. Begin using MicroMed probiotics immediately after finishing antibiotics, or other recommended washes etc. to re-instate the beneficial bacteria, fungi and protozoa.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 66 reviews
Maureen Wade
Micro Med Oral

I am seriously happy with this product, my 2 Shih Tzu were forever licking their paws & my boy licking his tummy constantly, since using your product the licking has almost stopped, I am thrilled :-)

Oh wow Maureen thats is such good news that your boys are now itch-free and their allergies have been dealt to by our wonderfully powerful commensal microbes - yay!

Hamish Paterson

Not sure it’s working quite as well as the first lot I got.

Hi there Hamish - thanks so much for your review. Our product is batch brewed and fermented which is why there can be a little difference between each brew however it is probably because the circumstances have changed for your petand possibly the issue you are trying to treat is becoming more pronounced. There can be so many reasons why our pets are suffering in health - and this is why we recommend our oral probiotic if the problem has been present for over a month. In this way the 'inside' of the body can be improved in its health which is often required. We do love it when customers get in touch with us through the website contact form or by emailing sales@micromed.org.nz so do feel free to shoot me an email so I can be in communication with you about the specifics of your petas we love to enable you to get your petto optimum health. Hope tpo hear from you soon, warm regards.


Amazing we been using it for 3 days and our labradoodle almost stop chewing and licking his paws

sue kennedy
No improvement

My ten year old dog has been fed on raw food all her life, and has never been to the ve other than to get neutered. She began itching in earnest just before Christmas, and we tried various natural treatments in order to combat the dermatitis the itching crated. Alas, none of these worked particularly well. Whilst I will continue to give her the micromed, (because of the price), it didn't make any significant difference after four weeks of use.

Hi there Sue - we reallyu urge our customers to be in communication with us via email so that we can help you improve the health of your pet because we want this as much as you - really! There can be MANY factors at play - most of which pet-owners are not aware of - so please do phone or email me with more specifics and then we can begin, warm regards.

Donna Gladwin

I started our little dog on Micromeds spray on food about 2 weeks ago and have noticed she is not biting at her feet or scratching nearly as much, and her breath is not smelly anymore.
I will continue to use it daily.