Horse Ringworm - Symptoms, Causes & Prevention | Probiotic Spray | MicroMed

Horse Ringworm | Dermatophilosis Treatment NZ | Probiotic Spray | Micro Med

Description: So for those who love the science, the equine form of ringworm usually contracted is Trichophyton equinum,  however there is also a soil-borne ringworm fungi Microsporum gypseum that horses can also contract.  All of these are highly contagious so isolation while treating the animal is advised.  If your vet has diagnosed which genus species it is, and its the soil-borne family Microsporum gypsum, it is recommended to re-establish the healthy microbes in your horses environment as well.   Where a horse roots around or rolls, in the paddocks, and stables and on its tack, are all important areas to address.  All of the above fungi come under the umbrella dermatophytes which are considered parasitic.  They eat the keratin of the skin, the protein that forms the structure of hair and epidermal skin cells, hence why your horse can end up losing hair and skin!  
Symptoms are crusting, usually but not always, circular lesions anywhere on the body, and occasionally these lesions can look hive-like.  Usually ringworm will only attack an animal who is immune-compromised, commonly seen in older or younger horses, or dogs.  
Treatment is an absolute given.  Anti-fungal treatments can be extremely harsh on an animal, both in terms of liver function and destroying any naturally-occurring organisms that may have established a healthy balance on the skin.  Therefore it is recommended that once veterinary treatment has finished with the anti-fungal that gentle liver detoxification is undertaken and re-establishment of microbial populations with MicroMed's probiotics.  For some who may be compelled to use the diluted bleach option, please be aware chlorine also kills all naturally occurring organisms not to mention the side effects of chlorine absorption through the skin.  Lime-sulphur dip is another treatment however the precise recipe for this must be followed, and it is reported to have a very sulphurous’ smell.  Re-establishing the beneficial microbes after anti-fungals is crucial, and it should be noted that re-establishing the balance of beneficial organisms, bacteria and fungi, works to eradicate the detrimental fungi. The beneficial microbes outcompete the detrimental organisms, and beneficial organisms disrupt communications between other detrimental organisms such that the detrimental fungi are unable to set up or maintain a network between cells, paramount for their survival.  

If you have anti-fungal drugs in your cupboard please check if Ivermectin is an active ingredient in your medication.  This is a link to Dr Mercolas Petcare, warning on Ivermectin,   It is particularly relevant for those of you who may be using it on larger animals and who have dogs on the property, as the dosage for larger animals is 50x higher than for dogs.  At this dose your dog will suffer Ivermectin toxicity and this can be a life-threatening situation if not addressed within 36 hours.  Warning signs are on the above link.  Also there are some breeds of dog who are multi-drug sensitive breeds - again see above link if you need clarification. 


Strengthening the immune system is always indicated.  A very powerful way to achieve this is to re-establish the microbes using a commensal probiotic blend.  We recommend the Acute Care range of MicroMed probiotics, as a primary priority followed by the herb astragalus, which can be used to this end, simply check with your vet first before undertaking this supplement.  Turmeric mixed with your animals feed to warm’ the damp’ condition, may also be indicated.  Additionally, incorporating a gut repair supplement into your animals feed to look after the gut, where approx. 70% of your horses immunity is found, can help heal any predisposing Leaky Gut.