MicroMed for Dogs Acute Care

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Size: 250ml
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Our Acute Care probiotic spray is applied directly to your dog’s skin to help treat immediate minor fungal and bacterial issues such as:

 Minor Elephant Skin
 Minor Malassezia Dermatitis
 Minor Ringworm
✔ and the classic itchy, scratchy dog syndrome

How to use Micromed Acute Care Probiotics for Dogs?

Apply one to two full sprays on the affected areas twice daily, and continue for at least 10 days after the issue has resolved.

What size Micromed Acute Care Probiotics to buy?

125ml - small breed (1-10kg)

500ml - medium breed (10-26kg)

5ltr - Large breed (26kg+)

Note: Do not use in conjunction with antibiotic,  anti-fungal or anti-bacterial medications, creams or washes or products with ingredients such a zinc, tea-tree, neem or essential oils. Begin using MicroMed probiotics immediately after finishing antibiotics, or other recommended washes etc. to re-instate the beneficial bacteria, fungi and protozoa

      Customer Reviews

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 30 reviews Write a review

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 93 reviews
      Shelley Flower

      Our dog doesn't like the spray but will let me wipe him down with a damp cloth with the product sprayed onto it.

      Yvonne Ogier
      Micro med

      It is working she is not scratching so much. I’m about to order some more.

      Kylie D
      It actually works

      JD is way more relaxed, and likes the spray. I think it's because he feels better

      Thats so great Kylie - JD looks gorgeous and so pleased he feels better for using our probiotic spray - and your other furry friend could benefit too - the cat and dog formulations are the same so feel free to use on the cat too.

      Murray Smith
      No good

      Sorry but has made no difference to my older Jack Russell after trying other anti scratching creams yours sounded very good however it has made no difference and she still continues to scratch she's recently had a Animates wash and a hair cut so looks like it's back to the vet, most disappointed after reading all the good comments
      Murray Smith

      Sorry Murray plwase do
      let us know by email on sales@micromed.org.nz more
      detail about your dog as there are
      loads of factors that can cause the itch. For example - kibble being up to 70% carbs (sugars) can feed a
      fungal overgrowth and so as the fungi dieoff the cell wall breaks open releasing toxins that are
      skin irritants, or it could be a Leaky Gut at play which soooo many dogs have nowadays. MicroMed can help over
      time but giving homemade bone broth too at cup a day helps repaur the gut - takes a few
      months. Food allergies particularly to beef, chicken and soy are rampant now but allergies are caused by Leaky Gut so do work on this if you can. Another major cause of skin irritation can be chemicals whether from chemical flea treatments, vaccinations -( nearly all contain aluminium and mercury and formaldehyde) or worming preps etc. Even the flyspray emitters with permethrins can be a skun irritant so oike I say we love
      to get to rhe bottom of things hear at
      MicroMed so pop an email theough when you can please.

      Kitreena Kumeroa
      Great stufg

      Delicate 12yr old German Shepherd, who every year breaks out in heat rash, grass rash and any other kind of rash, this spray gives instant relief and the rash disappears until next summer. Highly recommend.

      Such great news Kitreena! Our infamous commensal microbes certainly love to help out where they can - - keep up your good work too wont you!